
Is the overproduction of power lithium batteries really coming?

The power battery is the "heart" and "soul" of new energy vehicles, and it is also the link with the highest added value in the new energy vehicle industry chain, ranking first among the three key core technologies for the development of new energy vehicles. The development of the power battery industry and the breakthrough …

Is the overproduction of power lithium batteries really coming? Read More »

¿Más potencia en la construcción con qué tamaño de cable?

I. cálculo de la potencia del motor y el diámetro del cableado Primero hay que calcular la corriente de línea para una carga de 100KW. Para un circuito de equilibrio trifásico, la potencia del circuito trifásico se calcula con la fórmula: P=1.732IUcosφ. Por la fórmula de potencia del circuito trifásico se puede lanzar: Línea fórmula …

¿Más potencia en la construcción con qué tamaño de cable? Read More »

Principle, composition and application advantage of siphon drainage system

​The Siphon drainage system is an essential part of the building water supply and drainage system. Its task is to timely eliminate the rain, snow water landing on the roof of the building, to avoid the formation of roof water to the roof threat, or caused by rain overflow, roof leakage and other water accidents, …

Principle, composition and application advantage of siphon drainage system Read More »