indian gold plated jewelry wholesale How much RMB is equal to the 12,000 sound waves

indian gold plated jewelry wholesale How much RMB is equal to the 12,000 sound waves

1 thought on “indian gold plated jewelry wholesale How much RMB is equal to the 12,000 sound waves”

  1. diffuser jewelry wholesale As of July 4, 2021, one dollar is a ten -tone waves. The platform does not deduct 12,000 sounds of RMB 1200, but the platform will deduct, the union will deduct it, and get about half of the hand, which is 600. The total income of the interface of Douyin withdrawal is presented in the way of sound waves. Fans can give the anchor's reward to the sound waves. Users can withdraw sounds.
    The expansion information:
    In the Internet economy era, there are many monetization models of Internet celebrities, and live broadcasts are undoubtedly the simplest way to monetize. When live broadcast, there will be fans to give you gifts. These Gifts are equivalent of money. Taking Douyin as an example, when the live broadcast on Douyin, fans can give gifts to the Internet celebrity. After receiving the gift, the sound waves can be changed. The sound waves can be replaced with money withdrawal. The sound waves are a virtual currency used by the Douyin platform. The reward by the fans gave the anchor. The more sound waves, the higher the popularity, and the higher the income. At present, the ratio of sound waves is 10: 1, which means that 10 sound waves can be exchanged for RMB 1, and 18,000 sound waves can be exchanged for RMB 1,800.
    Ingestion: Since the birth of image technology, the most popular short videos in the world are MV, Music Video, short music video, which is the most head in all short videos. However, MV shooting is difficult, and there are many people who can play in the lens at a random shot. There are not many people who can sing a while to the camera anytime, anywhere. DUBSMASH's mouth performance mode solves this problem creatively. Through audio lines, I have written you all the script. You only need to perform, and the audio duration is less than 10 seconds, which reduces the cost of expression and increases content interest. Coincidentally, because of this low -cost content, it has become easy to spread.
    During the live broadcast on the Douyin, fans can give gifts to the Internet celebrity. After receiving the gift, the sound waves can be increased. The sound waves can be replaced with money withdrawal. The exchanges of the sound waves are 10 sound waves = 1 yuan, and the commission ratio of anchors ranges from 30%to 60%.
    The commission composition of Douyin Association and Douyin anchor:
    1, 1 guild income = guild fixed sharing guild task guild service fee, the division can reach [5 % -15 %]
    2 The fixed sharing ratio of the guild: The fixed division ratio of the guild is 5 %.
    3, guild task rewards: According to the completion of the association's task, the guild can get an additional [0-5 %] divided into rewards.
    4, guild service fee: anchor paid 5%of the service fee for the guild.
    The note: The guild can also not charge the service fee and give 5 % service fee as a reward to the anchor. The anchor income = anchor fixed division anchor task 5 %.

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