5 thoughts on “The company needs to customize a batch of open gifts and give it to customers. What kind of gifts are better?”

  1. If the company's custom -made small gifts, the Fire Wolf Electronic Gift Editor feels that first of all, it depends on how much your gift budget is. (988) Small gifts, such as fire wolf LED card lights, fire wolf LED keychain, fire wolf glowing chest chapters, fire wolf lighting bracelets, fire wolf USB Xiaomi portable book lamp, fire wolf USB Xiaomi light fan; second, custom, can be customized nowadays Popular and practical opening publicity small gifts, such as fire wolf selfie rods, fire wolf mobile phone bracket ring buckles, fire wolf card -type mobile power, fire wolf small sound; finally, can customize some seasonal practical small gifts, like the Wolf USB mini mini mini, Charging portable fan, fire wolf big white charging fan, fire wolf lipstick fan, fire wolf USB flash fan, etc. are all practical small gifts. The main thing is to determine according to the specific situation.

  2. There are many customized gifts now. You have to find a professional gift consultant. They often solve the problem in all aspects. Fangyuan crafts are good. Chongqing

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